
Quick Start

Under Linux, or Mac OS X:

# Get latest development version from github
git clone
# Move to source directory
cd SpLLT
# Create build directory
mkdir build
cd build
# Create Makefile with cmake command. The -DRUNTIME option can be
# used to select a runtime system.
cmake <path-to-source> -DRUNTIME=<StarPU|OMP|Parsec>
# Build SpLLT software

Third-party libraries


The solver depends on high performance BLAS and LAPACK libraries to perform the dense linear algebra operations that are abundant in our kernels. For best performance, please use the library recommended by your computer manufacturer (normally the Intel MKL). If this is not available, use an optimized alternative, such as OpenBLAS. The reference BLAS and reference LAPACK libraries from netlib are at least an order of magnitude slower than modern optimized BLAS, and should be avoided. If bit-compatible results are desired, a bit-compatible BLAS library must be used.

The BLAS library can be passed to cmake using the LBLAS variable and the LAPACK library can be passed using the LLAPACK variable as following:

cmake <path-to-source> -DLBLAS=/path/to/blas -DLLAPACK=/path/to/lapack


SPRAL is an open source (BSD) library for sparse linear algebra and associated algorithms. It can be downloaded directly from the SPRAL GitHub repository:

Runtime system

In this package, we use a runtime system for handling the parallel execution of the code. SpLLT currently supports three runtime systems among OpenMP, StarPU and Parsec that can be set using the RUNTIME variable when running the cmake command. For example, to compile the OpenMP version:

cmake <path-to-source> -DRUNTIME=OMP

For StarPU and Parsec runtime systems, it is possible to specify which library to use for the compilation. For example, when building SpLLT with StarPU, you can pass the StarPU directory using the STARPU_DIR variable:

cmake <path-to-source> -DRUNTIME=StarPU -DSTARPU_DIR=/path/to/StarPU

Compilers and compiler options

If no compiler is specified, cmake will pick a default compiler to use. If cmake cannot find an appropriate compiler, or you wish to specify a different compiler you can do so by setting the following variables:

specifies the C compiler to use.
specifies the Fortran 90/95/2003/2008 compiler to use.
specifies the CUDA compiler to use.

Additionally, compiler flags can be specified using the following variables:

specifies options passed to the C compiler.
specifies options passed to the Fortran compiler
specifies options passed to the CUDA compiler.

For example, to compile with ifort -g -O3 -ip we could use:

FC=ifort FCFLAGS="-g -O3 -ip" cmake <path-to-source>


Feeback may be sent to or by filing an issue on our github: